A Substantial Serving of Sandwich Puns & Jokes: A Feast of Humor

From puns that’ll make you ‘rye’ with laughter to jokes that are all about that ‘bun’-dant humor, this article serves up a delicious assortment of sandwich-related humor.

Whether you’re a fan of hoagies, paninis, or classic PB&Js, we’ve got a pun or joke to tickle your funny bone and satisfy your hunger for humor.

Sandwich Puns

  1. I’m on a “roll” with these sandwich puns!
  2. Stop loafing around and make me a sandwich!
  3. You’re bacon me crazy with all this sandwich talk!
  4. Lettuce all appreciate a good sandwich.
  5. “Rye” can’t you see I’m in love with sandwiches?
  6. Sandwiches are so “grate,” especially with lots of cheese.
  7. I “relish” the opportunity to make a sandwich.
  8. That sandwich was “sub”-lime!
  9. “Bread” alert! The sandwich shop is about to close!
  10. I have a “rye” sense of humor when it comes to sandwich puns.
  11. Don’t “pickle” me with your sandwich complaints.
  12. “Lettuce” rejoice for the amazing sandwich!
  13. “Cheese” the day with a hearty sandwich!
  14. The “toast” of the town? That amazing new sandwich place!
  15. Bread” and butter of my day? Definitely sandwiches!
  16. I’ve been “spread” thin, but there’s always time for a sandwich.
  17. Stop “buttering” me up, just pass the sandwich!
  18. “Dill”-ighted to have this sandwich for lunch.
  19. I “knead” a sandwich right now.
  20. My sandwich puns are as “sharp” as cheddar!
  21. “Sauce”-ome sandwich, dude!
  22. “Wrap” your head around this sandwich pun.
  23. “Mayo” your day be filled with delicious sandwiches.
  24. Sandwiches are the “hero” of my lunchtime.
  25. I’m a “pepper”-believer in the power of a good sandwich.
  26. “Olive” for sandwiches, they’re my favorite lunch.
  27. I’m “baguette”-ting pretty hungry, time for a sandwich!
  28. Got “beef” with me? Let’s settle it over a sandwich!
  29. “Crumbs”! I’ve dropped my sandwich.
  30. If you’re feeling “down,” I know a sandwich that will “bun”ten your day!
  31. Having a sandwich? Well, that’s “grain”-d!
  32. I “mustard”mit, that’s an excellent sandwich!
  33. What’s the “dill”? Why haven’t you finished your sandwich yet?
  34. I can’t help “pasta“-ing up the opportunity for a sandwich.
  35. Sandwiches are my “bun”-intentional passion.
  36. I’m not “sourdough”-ing around when it comes to sandwiches.
  37. A sandwich pun? That’s “bologna”!
  38. “Cheddar” believe I love a good sandwich pun.
  39. You “butter” believe I’m a fan of sandwiches.
  40. “Ciabatta” good time when sandwiches are involved.
  41. Sandwiches? They’re the “bread” of life!
  42. I can’t “ketchup” with you unless you slow down your sandwich eating!
  43. My favorite sandwich has “tomato“ny ingredients to list!
  44. “Swiss”-hing gears, let’s talk about sandwich fillings.
  45. Making sandwiches is “loaf”-style.
  46. These sandwich puns are “popping” like popcorn chicken!
  47. I don’t want to get into a “pickle”, but that’s my sandwich you’re eating.
  48. No need to “provolone” it out, sandwiches are best shared.
  49. I’m so “egg“-cited to eat this breakfast sandwich.
  50. “Roll”-ing in the deep, I found the perfect sandwich!
Sandwich Puns

Sandwich Jokes For Kids

  1. Why don’t sandwiches like playing hide and seek? Because they always get caught in the bread!
  2. Why did the sandwich go to the party? Because it wanted to hang out with the “cool” cuts!
  3. Why was the sandwich good at baseball? Because it always hit a “bun”!
  4. What do you call a sandwich made from a galaxy far, far away? An Astro-naan-mi!
  5. Why did the sandwich go to school? To get a little “breader”!
  6. What do you call a fast sandwich? A “speedwich”!
  7. What did the bread say to the ham? Nice to “meat” you!
  8. What kind of sandwich do you make at Thanksgiving? A turkey club!
  9. Why was the tomato turning red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  10. Why did the bread go to the bakery? It needed some dough!
  11. What do you call a talkative sandwich? A BLT – a Blabber, Lettuce, and Tomato!
  12. What do you call a witch who lives in the desert? A Sandwich!
  13. How do you make a sandwich laugh? Tell a “bun”-ny joke!
  14. What did the sandwich say to the door? “Lettuce” in!
  15. Why didn’t the sandwich go to the zoo? It was afraid of being fed to the lions!
  16. What kind of sandwich flies high in the sky? A plain sandwich!
  17. What do you call a sandwich that’s gone bad? A spoil-er!
  18. How does a witch make a sandwich? With spell-tuna and fright-mayo!
  19. Why was the sandwich always losing? It could never “ketchup”!
  20. Why do sandwiches never trust pickles? Because they’re always in a “jelly”!
  21. What kind of sandwich is rich? A “billionaire”!
  22. Why did the jelly sandwich blush? It saw the peanut butter and jelly kiss!
  23. What do you call a sandwich that you make in the winter? An “ice”-berger!
  24. Why did the sandwich bring a napkin? It knew things were going to get “saucy”!
  25. Why couldn’t the sandwich finish the race? It ran out of “steam”!
  26. What kind of sandwich do you make in the jungle? A “gorilla” cheese sandwich!
  27. How do you know a sandwich is lazy? It’s always loafing around!
  28. What do you call a famous sandwich? A “starwich”!
  29. Why don’t sandwiches get lost? Because they always leave a “breadcrum” trail!
  30. Why was the sandwich good at music? It always knew how to “jam”!
  31. What is a ghost’s favorite kind of sandwich? BOO-logna!
  32. What do you call a bread that does magic tricks? A “roll” magician!
  33. What’s a sandwich’s favorite game? “Bite” and seek!
  34. What did the sandwich say to the roll? “You’re on a roll”!
  35. What do you call a sandwich that likes to play the piano? A tuna fish “scale”-dwich!
  36. Why don’t sandwiches go on vacation? They prefer to “loaf” at home!
  37. What do you call a sandwich with eyes? A “look”-wich!
  38. What do you call a sandwich that was made by a robot? A “tech”-wich!
  39. Why did the sandwich go to the dentist? Because it had a “filling” that hurt!
  40. Why couldn’t the sandwich play soccer? It was afraid of getting “kicked”!
  41. Why did the sandwich need a band-aid? It had a “grain”!
  42. What do you call a really old sandwich? A “crusty”!
  43. Why did the sandwich sit on the whoopee cushion? It wanted to be a “sloppy joe”!
  44. Why did the bread break up with the sandwich spread? It felt things were too “spread out”!
  45. What do you call a fake sandwich? A “sham”-wich!
Sandwich Jokes For Kids

Sandwich Jokes

  1. Why don’t sandwiches ever get lost in the woods? Because of the “breadcrumbs”!
  2. Why did the sandwich go to therapy? It had too many “issues” between the bread!
  3. Why did the baguette get lost? Because it took a “rye” turn!
  4. What do you call a sandwich made with many layers of dough? A club “sand-wich”!
  5. What do you call a sandwich that can play the piano? A tunafish “scale”-wich!
  6. How do you make a sandwich laugh? Just “crack a yolk”!
  7. Why did the meatball sub file a police report? It got “sauce”led!
  8. What do you call a grouchy hamburger? A “patty” melt!
  9. Why was the bread so good at meditation? Because it always knew how to “loaf” around!
  10. Why did the sandwich go to the doctor? It wasn’t “filling” well!
  11. What did the cheese say to the bread when it bumped into it? “Swiss-cuse me!”
  12. Why don’t sandwiches work in offices? They are always “loafing” around!
  13. Why did the sandwich take a nap? It was “bread” tired!
  14. How does a sandwich surf the internet? On the “b-Router”!
  15. Why don’t sandwiches make good detectives? They always “butter” up the suspects!
  16. Why did the sandwich get an award? It was the “best roll” model!
  17. What do you call a short psychic sandwich? A “small sub-conscious”!
  18. What did the sandwich say to the bread that fell on the floor? “Stop loafing around!”
  19. Why was the sandwich a great baseball player? Because it always covered the “bases”!
  20. What do you call a sandwich in a jungle? A “club” sandwich!
  21. Why was the sub worried? It was in a real “pickle”!
  22. Why was the sandwich a great comedian? Because it had the best “rye” sense of humor!
  23. What kind of sandwich do you make at a haunted house? A “BOO-logna” sandwich!
  24. What’s a sandwich’s favorite dance? The “Bun”-ny hop!
  25. Why did the sandwich study music? Because it wanted to “jam”!
  26. Why do sandwiches make poor secret agents? They tend to “spill the beans”!
  27. How does a sandwich cut its hair? It gets a “bap”-trim!
  28. Why did the sandwich go to the party? To “meat” his friends!
  29. Why couldn’t the bread go on the roller coaster? It didn’t “knead” the excitement!
  30. What did the sandwich say to the roll? “Stop buttering me up!”
  31. What’s a sandwich’s favorite type of exercise? “Crunches”!
  32. What do you call a sandwich that plays chess? A “check-mate” sandwich!
  33. Why did the sandwich turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!
  34. What do you call a witch’s sandwich? Peanut “ghoul” and “jelly”!
  35. Why couldn’t the sandwich play cards? Because it was afraid of the “joker” roll!
  36. Why didn’t the sandwich go to college? It had too much “loaf”!
  37. What do you call a lazy sandwich? A “veg”-wich!
  38. How does a sandwich start a race? On your “bun”, get set, go!
  39. What kind of sandwich do you make with an egg? An “egg”-cellent one!
  40. Why did the sandwich visit its psychologist? It had a lot of “stuffing” to talk about!
  41. Why do sandwiches get good grades? They always “meat” the requirements!
  42. What do you call a sandwich who loves Christmas? A “sub”-clause!
Ham Puns

Ham Puns

  1. I’m feeling pretty “ham”-bivalent about this meal.
  2. We’re really going “ham” on these puns!
  3. No need to “boar” me with the details, just serve the ham.
  4. When I first ate ham, it was a real “pork-alypse” for my taste buds.
  5. You’re really “hogging” all the ham.
  6. It’s easy to find the best ham, if you know where to “pork”.
  7. I’ve got a “rasher”-nal explanation for why I love ham so much.
  8. I was never “sow” excited as when I first tasted this ham.
  9. Do you think this ham tastes “grate”?
  10. I’m on a “roll” with this delicious ham.
  11. You’ve got to “cure” it just right to get the best ham.
  12. Don’t go “bacon” my heart, pass the ham!
  13. I’ve got some great “crackling” jokes about ham.
  14. I “swine” every time I eat the last piece of ham.
  15. Ham really is the “back”-bone of a good meal.
  16. I’m all about that “baste” when it comes to ham.
  17. The ham is in the oven and it’s really “heating” up.
  18. I’m not “piggy”, I just love my ham.
  19. That’s a real “rind” to the story of how ham is made.
  20. I can’t believe you’re “hogging” all the ham jokes.
  21. This ham is so good, it’s simply “un-boar-lievable”.
  22. That ham looks so good, I can’t “weight” to have a slice.
  23. The secret to a good ham is in the “marin-hog”.
  24. My love for ham isn’t “pork”-tended.
  25. That’s some seriously “hot ham”!
  26. I’m “hog”-wild about this ham recipe.
  27. Don’t “spare” me any details about the ham.
  28. “Lard” have mercy, this ham is divine.
  29. I “relish” every bite of this ham.
  30. I’m a bit “pig”-ticular about my ham.
  31. Ham is always the “center cut” of my attention.
  32. I’m so excited, I’m “squealing” like a pig!
  33. I’ve got a “soft spot” for a well-cooked ham.
  34. You’ve truly “hammed” it up with this recipe.
  35. I have a big “slice” to tell you about this ham.
  36. I’m “pigging” out on this ham.
  37. There’s “mutton” like a good ham.
  38. Ham jokes are like “pig”-ments of my imagination.
  39. These ham puns are as “tender” as the meat itself.
  40. I’m a “firm” believer in the power of a good ham.
  41. This ham tastes so good, it should be “il-legal”.
  42. I’m really “pork”-ing up my courage to try this ham.
  43. A meal without ham? That would be a real “ham-dinger”.
  44. When it comes to ham, I’m not one to “pork”-crastinate.
  45. I’m really “glazed” and confused by how good this ham tastes.
  46. Ham is the “pork”-fect addition to any meal.
  47. It’s about “swine” we have some more ham.
  48. The way to the heart is through the “ham”.
  49. I’ve been “pigging” out on ham all day.
  50. This ham is so good, it’s “hog”-ging the spotlight!

Funny Subway Sandwich Jokes

  1. Why did the sandwich take the subway? Because it was tired of being a “roll” model!
  2. What did the subway sandwich say to the taxi sandwich? “Stop loafing around!”
  3. Why did the subway sandwich get in trouble? Because it couldn’t “behave”-ery!
  4. What do you call a subway sandwich that’s been left on a train? A “sub”-standard sandwich!
  5. Why don’t subway sandwiches ever get lost? They always take the “sub”-way!
  6. Why did the meatball sub get a ticket? It couldn’t make the “sub”-way fair!
  7. Why did the subway sandwich go to school? To get a little more “sub”-stantial!
  8. Why did the subway sandwich break up with the taxi sandwich? It was a “sub”-par relationship!
  9. What’s a subway sandwich’s favorite song? “Take the ‘A’ Train”!
  10. Why don’t sandwiches take the bus? They prefer the “sub”-way!
  11. Why did the subway sandwich visit the psychiatrist? It had too much “sub”-conscious!
  12. What do you call a subway sandwich that’s really good at dancing? “Sub”-lime!
  13. Why did the subway sandwich refuse to play cards? It was afraid of the “clubs”!
  14. Why was the subway sandwich a great comedian? It always knew how to “sub”-vert expectations!
  15. What’s a subway sandwich’s favorite type of music? “Sub”-Bass!
  16. Why did the subway sandwich fail its driving test? It kept trying to “sub”-merge!
  17. What do you call a subway sandwich in a hurry? A “rush”-hour special!
  18. What do you call a subway sandwich that gets straight A’s? An “honor roll”!
  19. Why did the subway sandwich go to the museum? To see the “sub”-lime art!
  20. Why did the subway sandwich apply for a job? It wanted to bring home the “bacon”!
  21. Why don’t subway sandwiches make good secret agents? They always “spill the beans”!
  22. What do you call a subway sandwich that can play the piano? A “tunafish scale”-wich!
  23. What’s a subway sandwich’s favorite movie? “The Fast and the Furious”!
  24. Why did the subway sandwich bring a map? It didn’t want to get “sub”-merged!
  25. Why do sandwiches prefer the subway over cars? Because they hate “traffic jam”!
  26. Why was the subway sandwich always broke? It had too many “buns” to pay!
  27. Why couldn’t the subway sandwich keep a secret? Because it was an “open faced” sandwich!
  28. What’s a subway sandwich’s favorite holiday? “Sub”-sgiving!
  29. Why did the subway sandwich go to the gym? It wanted to get “toasted”!
  30. Why did the subway sandwich go to the party? It wanted to “meat” his friends!
  31. What do you call a subway sandwich that’s really loud? “Sub”-sonic!
  32. Why did the subway sandwich get a promotion? It had a lot of “roll”-eagues!
  33. What do you call a subway sandwich that likes to play chess? A “check-mate” sandwich!
  34. Why did the subway sandwich get an award? It was the “best roll” model!
  35. What’s a subway sandwich’s favorite book? “Sub”-marine adventures!
  36. Why was the subway sandwich bad at tennis? It was always getting “served”!
  37. Why did the subway sandwich go to a magic show? It wanted to see some “bun”-dini tricks!
  38. Why did the sandwich become a subway driver? Because it wanted to take “control”!
  39. What’s a subway sandwich’s favorite activity? To “chill”-i out!
  40. Why did the subway sandwich go on a diet? It didn’t want to be a “footlong” anymore!
Funny Subway Sandwich Jokes

Sandwich Knock Knock Jokes

  1. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Ham.
    • Ham who? Ham I glad to meet you!
  2. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Lettuce.
    • Lettuce who? Lettuce in, it’s cold out here!
  3. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Bacon.
    • Bacon who? Bacon a cake for your birthday!
  4. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Swiss.
    • Swiss who? Swiss place the party’s at, right?
  5. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Brie.
    • Brie who? Brie-lliant sandwich, isn’t it?
  6. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Tomato.
    • Tomato who? Tomato’s the day for a great sandwich!
  7. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Mustard.
    • Mustard who? Mustard you always tell such cheesy jokes?
  8. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Tuna.
    • Tuna who? Tuna sandwich walks into a bar…
  9. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Olive.
    • Olive who? Olive these sandwiches, they’re delicious!
  10. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Mayo.
    • Mayo who? Mayo-ne sandwich is better than yours!
  11. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Turkey.
    • Turkey who? Turkey club sandwich for the win!
  12. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Meatball.
    • Meatball who? Meatball sub, anyone?
  13. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Pickle.
    • Pickle who? Pickle a sandwich, any sandwich!
  14. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Rye.
    • Rye who? Rye don’t you try this sandwich!
  15. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Loaf.
    • Loaf who? Loaf is all you need… and a good sandwich!
  16. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Salami.
    • Salami who? Salami sandwich is the best in town!
  17. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Hoagie.
    • Hoagie who? Hoagie didn’t forget to bring the sandwiches, did you?
  18. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Bun.
    • Bun who? Bun can’t live on sandwiches alone… but one can try!
  19. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Bread.
    • Bread who? Bread you heard about our sandwich jokes?
  20. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Cheese.
    • Cheese who? Cheese a great time for a sandwich!
  21. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Sub.
    • Sub who? Sub-stitute this with your favorite sandwich!
  22. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Club.
    • Club who? Club together and let’s order some sandwiches!
  23. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Pita.
    • Pita who? Pita the fool who doesn’t enjoy a good sandwich!
  24. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Melt.
    • Melt who? Melt your heart with this tasty sandwich!
  25. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Wrap.
    • Wrap who? Wrap up the sandwich, I’ll take it to go!
  26. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Hero.
    • Hero who? Hero is my sandwich!
  27. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Slice.
    • Slice who? Slice to meet you, can I offer you a sandwich?
  28. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Deli.
    • Deli who? Deli-cious sandwich coming right up!
  29. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Grill.
    • Grill who? Grill your own, or get a sandwich!
  30. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Toast.
    • Toast who? Toast you ever seen such a fantastic sandwich?
  31. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Bagel.
    • Bagel who? Bagel sandwich is my favorite!
  32. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Roll.
    • Roll who? Roll-ing out some amazing sandwiches!
  33. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Panini.
    • Panini who? Panini to tell you that these sandwiches are incredible!
  34. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Ciabatta.
    • Ciabatta who? Ciabatta believe this sandwich is the best!
  35. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Pulled pork.
    • Pulled pork who? Pulled pork sandwich anyone?
  36. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? French dip.
    • French dip who? French dip sandwich is up for grabs!
  37. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Croissant.
    • Croissant who? Croissant-wich for breakfast, anyone?
  38. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Philly.
    • Philly who? Philly cheesesteak sandwich, that’s who!
  39. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Sourdough.
    • Sourdough who? Sourdough-n’t you want another sandwich?
  40. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Reuben.
    • Reuben who? Reuben got us the best sandwiches!
  41. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? Po’boy.
    • Po’boy who? Po’boy, these sandwiches sure are filling!
  42. Knock, knock.
    • Who’s there? BLT.
    • BLT who? BLT your life be always filled with good sandwiches!

Romantic Sandwich Puns

  1. You’re the “loaf” of my life.
  2. You’re the “butter” half of my sandwich.
  3. You “meat” all my expectations.
  4. You’ve got a “pizza” my heart.
  5. You’re my “sub”-stantial other.
  6. You’re the “bun” I’ve always dreamt of.
  7. Let’s “ketchup” over a romantic sandwich dinner.
  8. We’re like two “slices” in a sandwich, always sticking together.
  9. I’d be “toast” without you.
  10. You “complement” me like cheese on a sandwich.
  11. We’re the perfect “blend” like a ham and cheese sandwich.
  12. “Lettuce” celebrate our love with a sandwich date.
  13. Our love is “loaf”-lasting like a sandwich.
  14. You’re the “relish” to my hotdog sandwich.
  15. I’d be in a real “pickle” without you.
  16. Your love is like a sandwich, it always “fills” me up.
  17. We go together like “bread” and “butter”.
  18. You’re the “mayo” to my sandwich, always making things better.
  19. You’re the “ham” to my sandwich, always stealing the show.
  20. I “knead” you like a sandwich needs bread.
  21. Our love is like a sandwich, always “stacked” with goodness.
  22. You “spread” happiness into my life like mayo on a sandwich.
  23. I’m “bacon” for your love.
  24. I “relish” the times we spend together.
  25. “Lettuce” be together forever.
  26. You’re the “toast” of my life.
  27. Our love is as “crisp” as a fresh sandwich.
  28. Just like a sandwich, I “wrap” myself around you.
  29. “Rye” love you so much.
  30. “Lettuce” enjoy our love sandwich.
  31. You are the “bread” to my butter and the breath to my life.
  32. I’m “sub”-limely happy with you.
  33. I’ve got so “mush-room” in my heart for you.
  34. You’re my “hero”, the perfect sandwich of love.
  35. Our love is like a sandwich, the more layers the better.
  36. You’re the “slice” that completes my sandwich.
  37. You’re the “ciabatta” best part of my day.
  38. Just like a sandwich, you’re always there to “fill” me up.
  39. You’re my “grilled” dream come true.
  40. You’re the “pita” my heart.
Romantic Sandwich Puns

Final Words

And that’s a ‘wrap’! We hope you’ve had your fill of sandwich puns and jokes that are sure to have brought a ‘slice’ of laughter to your day.

Next time you’re ‘layering’ your favorite ingredients into a sandwich, don’t forget to ‘spread’ the joy with a pun or joke.

After all, life’s too short to not ‘relish’ in a hearty laugh! Happy munching and chuckling!

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