Jungle Laughs: A Celebration of Hilarious Monkey Jokes & Puns

Unleash the power of laughter with our compilation of hilarious monkey jokes and puns.

Perfect for sharing with family and friends, these jokes will have you swinging from the treetops with glee.

From primates’ penchant for bananas to their skill at climbing trees, there’s no aspect of monkey life we haven’t turned into a punchline.

Monkey Puns

  1. Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle?
    • There are too many cheetahs!
  2. I went to the zoo the other day, but the only animal they had was a dog.
    • It was a Shih Tzu.
  3. What kind of a key opens a banana?
    • A monkey!
  4. I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough.
    • So I decided to go into monkey business!
  5. How do you catch a monkey?
    • Climb a tree and act like a banana!
  6. What do you call a monkey that loves potato chips?
    • A chipmunk!
  7. Why did the monkey like to swing on trees?
    • Because it was a big swinger!
  8. What do you call a baby monkey?
    • A chimp off the old block!
  9. Why don’t monkeys use smartphones?
    • They find it hard to press the tiny buttons with their paws!
  10. Why did the monkey like to eat bananas?
    • Because they’re apeeling!
  11. Why did the monkey go to the party?
    • Because it was a jungle out there!
  12. Why did the monkey use a bandage?
    • Because he had a monkey boo-boo!
  13. What’s a monkey’s favorite game?
    • Ape-ril Fool’s!
  14. What do you call a monkey with a wizard hat?
    • Hairy Potter!
  15. How do monkeys stay in touch?
    • Ape-mail!
  16. What do you call a monkey with a flower?
    • Ape-daisy!
  17. What did the banana say to the monkey?
    • Nothing, bananas can’t talk!
  18. What do monkeys do when they’re angry?
    • Go bananas!
  19. What do you call a monkey at the North Pole?
    • Lost!
  20. Why was the monkey always lost?
    • Because jungle is massive!
  21. What do you call a monkey in a minefield?
    • A baboom!
  22. How do monkeys get down the stairs?
    • They slide down the banana-ster!
  23. What do you call a monkey with a camera?
    • A snap-ze!
  24. Why did the monkey become an astronaut?
    • Because he wanted to visit the Orangutans on Mars!
  25. What do you call a monkey in a tree?
    • A branch manager!
  26. How do monkeys exercise?
    • By monkey bars!
  27. Why was the monkey always happy?
    • Because he was a jolly-olly-ape!
  28. Why did the monkey bring a suitcase to the zoo?
    • He wanted to pack his trunk!
  29. Why was the baby monkey so noisy?
    • Because it was a chimp-an-zee!
  30. How do monkeys say goodbye?
    • Ape-ril later!
  31. What do you call a monkey who loves Christmas?
    • A Chimpmas Carol!
  32. Why did the monkey bring a ladder to school?
    • He wanted to get to high school!
  33. What’s a monkey’s favorite kind of cookie?
    • Chocolate chimp!
  34. Why did the monkey write a letter?
    • Because he couldn’t find a typewriter!
  35. What do you call a monkey who loves to dance?
    • A jiggy ape!
  36. Why did the monkey become a baker?
    • Because he was great at making banana bread!
  37. Why did the monkey jump into the lake?
    • He wanted to become a sea-monkey!
  38. What do you call a monkey that can play baseball?
    • Ape Ruth!
  39. What do you call a monkey in a film?
    • An ape movie star!
  40. Why was the monkey a great musician?
    • Because he had perfect pitch… he always threw the banana peel in the trash!
  41. Why did the monkey go to school?
    • To improve his ape-titude!
  42. What do you call a monkey who can cook?
  43. What’s a monkey’s favorite fruit?
    • Ape-ricots!
  44. How does a monkey make toast?
    • It puts it under the gorilla!
  45. What do you call a monkey magician?
    • Hocus Pocus Primatus!
  46. What do you call a monkey who is in charge of a train?
    • A gorilla conductor!
  47. What do you call a monkey at a construction site?
    • A steel grilla!
  48. What do you call a monkey who loves drama?
    • A thespian ape!
  49. What do you call a monkey who can’t keep secrets?
    • A blaboon!
  50. Why was the monkey a great painter?
    • Because he had the perfect brush-stroke!
  51. What do monkeys do for laughs?
    • They tell people jokes!
  52. Why did the monkey like the banana?
    • Because it had appeal!
  53. What do you call a monkey in a blizzard?
    • A snow flake!
  54. Why did the monkey become a light bulb changer?
    • He had the skills to climb and reach for the stars!
  55. What do monkeys do when they’re bored?
    • They monkey around!
Monkey Jokes For Kids

Monkey Jokes For Kids

  1. Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle?
    • Because there are too many cheetahs!
  2. What kind of a key opens a banana?
    • A monkey!
  3. Why did the monkey like the banana?
    • Because it had appeal!
  4. What do you call a monkey that loves potato chips?
    • A chipmunk!
  5. Why did the monkey like to swing on trees?
    • Because it was a big swinger!
  6. What do you call a baby monkey?
    • A chimp off the old block!
  7. How do monkeys get down the stairs?
    • They slide down the banana-ster!
  8. What do monkeys do for laughs?
    • They tell people jokes!
  9. What do you call a monkey at the North Pole?
    • Lost!
  10. What do you call a monkey who can’t keep secrets?
    • A blaboon!
  11. Why did the monkey bring a ladder to school?
    • He wanted to get to high school!
  12. What do you call a monkey who loves drama?
    • A thespian ape!
  13. What do you call a monkey with a banana in each ear?
    • Anything you want, it can’t hear you!
  14. Why don’t monkeys use smartphones?
    • They find it hard to press the tiny buttons with their paws!
  15. Why did the monkey like to eat bananas?
    • Because they’re apeeling!
  16. Why did the monkey go to the party?
    • Because it was a jungle out there!
  17. What do you call a monkey that tells bad jokes?
    • A silly ape!
  18. Why did the monkey use a bandage?
    • Because he had a monkey boo-boo!
  19. What do you call a monkey in a minefield?
    • A baboom!
  20. What’s a monkey’s favorite game?
    • Ape-ril Fool’s!
  21. Why was the monkey always lost?
    • Because jungle is massive!
  22. What do you call a monkey with a wizard hat?
    • Hairy Potter!
  23. How do monkeys stay in touch?
    • Ape-mail!
  24. What do you call a monkey with a flower?
    • Ape-daisy!
  25. What did the banana say to the monkey?
    • Nothing, bananas can’t talk!
  26. What do you call a monkey in a suit?
    • The Ape-rentice!
  27. What do monkeys do when they’re angry?
    • Go bananas!
  28. Why did the monkey go to school?
    • To improve his ape-titude!
  29. What do you call a monkey that can play baseball?
    • Ape Ruth!
  30. Why was the monkey a great musician?
    • Because he had perfect pitch… he always threw the banana peel in the trash!
  31. Why did the monkey bring a suitcase to the zoo?
    • He wanted to pack his trunk!
  32. What do you call a monkey with a camera?
    • A snap-ze!
  33. What kind of music do monkeys love?
    • Jungle tunes!
  34. Why did the monkey become an astronaut?
    • Because he wanted to visit the Orangutans on Mars!
  35. What do you call a monkey in a tree?
    • A branch manager!
  36. Why did the monkey use a pencil?
    • Because it wanted to draw on ape-xperience!
  37. How do monkeys exercise?
    • By monkey bars!
  38. What do you call a monkey in a blizzard?
    • A snow flake!
  39. What do monkeys drink when they’re thirsty?
    • Ape-ricot juice!
  40. Why do monkeys never get lost?
    • Because they always monkey see, monkey do!
  41. What do you call a monkey with honey?
    • A sweet primate!
  42. What’s a monkey’s favorite fruit?
    • Ape-ricots!
  43. How does a monkey make toast?
    • It puts it under the gorilla!
  44. Why was the baby monkey so noisy?
    • Because it was a chimp-an-zee!
  45. What do you call a monkey magician?
    • Hocus Pocus Primatus!
  46. How do monkeys say goodbye?
    • Ape-ril later!
  47. Why was the monkey a great painter?
    • Because he had the perfect brush-stroke!
  48. What do you call a monkey who is in charge of a train?
    • A gorilla conductor!
  49. What do you call a monkey who loves Christmas?
    • A Chimpmas Carol!
  50. Why don’t monkeys play cricket?
    • Because they break the bat on the first swing!
  51. What do you call a monkey in a car?
    • A driving ape!
  52. What do you call a monkey who loves to dance?
    • A jiggy ape!
  53. Why was the monkey good at making decisions?
    • He always went with his gut instinct!
  54. Why did the monkey become a baker?
    • Because he was great at making banana bread!
  55. What do you call a monkey who can cook?
    • A gorilla gourmet!
  56. What’s a monkey’s favorite kind of cookie?
    • Chocolate chimp!
  57. Why don’t monkeys play video games?
    • Because they’re too busy monkeying around!
  58. What do you call a monkey in a film?
    • An ape movie star!
  59. Why did the monkey write a letter?
    • Because he couldn’t find a typewriter!
  60. Why was the monkey always happy?
    • Because he was a jolly-olly-ape!
Monkey Bar Jokes

Monkey Bar Jokes

  1. Why did the monkey like the bar?
    • Because it had swinging music!
  2. What do you call a monkey who runs a bar?
    • A bar-monkey!
  3. Why did the monkey go to the bar?
    • Because he heard they served banana daiquiris!
  4. What did the monkey say when he entered the bar?
    • “Barkeep, one banana beer please!”
  5. What’s a monkey’s favorite drink at the bar?
    • Ape-ricot brandy!
  6. Why did the monkey become a bartender?
    • He was great at peeling oranges for cocktails!
  7. Why did the monkey refuse to leave the bar?
    • He was waiting for his banana martini!
  8. Why was the monkey hanging around at the bar?
    • He was waiting for his monkey buddies!
  9. What did the monkey order at the bar?
    • A banana split cocktail!
  10. What do you call a monkey who’s a regular at the bar?
    • A bar hanger!
  11. Why did the monkey get kicked out of the bar?
    • He kept monkeying around with the cocktail umbrellas!
  12. What happened when the monkey walked into the bar?
    • He asked for a pint of banana beer!
  13. Why do monkeys make great bartenders?
    • They’re experts at mixing up tropical drinks!
  14. What did the monkey say to the bartender?
    • “I’ll have a banana daiquiri, shaken, not stirred!”
  15. Why did the monkey go to the tiki bar?
    • He heard they served the best coconut-banana drinks!
  16. What did the monkey order at the sports bar?
    • A beer and a bowl of monkey nuts!
  17. Why did the monkey bring a ladder to the bar?
    • He wanted to get to the top shelf!
  18. What do monkeys like to toast with at the bar?
    • “To monkey business!”
  19. Why did the monkey sit at the end of the bar?
    • He wanted to monkey around with the jukebox!
  20. What did the bartender say when the monkey ordered a drink?
    • “We don’t serve bananas here!”
  21. How do monkeys like their cocktails at the bar?
    • With a banana twist!
  22. Why was the monkey the life of the party at the bar?
    • He knew all the jungle juice recipes!
  23. Why did the monkey become a mixologist?
    • He had a knack for peeling and slicing fruit for cocktails!
  24. What do monkeys order at the coffee bar?
    • A banana latte!
  25. What did the monkey say to the bartender when he served a bad drink?
    • “This is a catastrophe!”
  26. What do you call a monkey who spills his drink at the bar?
    • A clumsy ape!
  27. Why did the monkey bring a banana to the bar?
    • He wanted to see if they could make a cocktail out of it!
  28. Why do monkeys prefer the rooftop bar?
    • They feel closer to their tree homes!
  29. What did the monkey say when he had too many drinks at the bar?
    • “I’m going bananas!”
  30. Why did the monkey go to the smoothie bar?
    • He wanted a banana and mango mix!
  31. What’s a monkey’s favorite non-alcoholic drink at the bar?
    • Banana soda!
  32. Why did the monkey tip the bartender?
    • He loved the banana cocktails!
  33. What do monkeys do after they’ve had a few drinks at the bar?
    • They start to monkey around!
  34. What do monkeys drink at the juice bar?
    • Monkey fruit punch!
  35. What’s a monkey’s favorite bar snack?
    • Salted banana chips!
  36. What did the monkey do when he saw a peanut at the bar?
    • He cracked up!
  37. Why don’t monkeys get hangovers?
    • They always drink responsibly!
  38. Why did the monkey bartender get fired?
    • He drank all the banana liqueur!
  39. What did the monkey say when he won the pool game at the bar?
    • “That’s how we roll in the jungle!”
  40. Why don’t monkeys like martini at the bar?
    • They can’t fit a whole banana in the glass!
  41. What cocktail did the monkey make at the beach bar?
    • A sand and banana mix!
  42. What did the monkey bring to the tiki bar?
    • His coconut collection!
  43. What do you call a monkey that spills all his drinks at the bar?
    • A banana split!
  44. How did the monkey bartender know it was closing time?
    • When all the bananas were gone!
  45. What did the monkey say after tasting a bad drink at the bar?
    • “This is not ape-pealing!”
  46. What kind of music do monkeys request at the bar?
    • Swing music!
  47. What do you call a monkey who frequents Irish bars?
    • A Baileys Banana lover!
  48. Why did the monkey bring a palm tree to the bar?
    • He wanted a tropical ambiance for his banana daiquiri!
  49. Why did the monkey tip the bartender so generously?
    • Because the bartender could mix a mean banana cocktail!
  50. Why do monkeys prefer stools at the bar?
    • They’re great for climbing!
Why Are Monkeys Good At Sports Jokes

Why Are Monkeys Good At Sports Jokes

  1. Why are monkeys good at basketball?
    • They know the ins and outs of monkey ball!
  2. Why are monkeys good at baseball?
    • They swing for the trees, not the fences!
  3. Why are monkeys good at soccer?
    • They do spectacular banana kicks!
  4. Why are monkeys good at volleyball?
    • They’re great at serving bananas!
  5. Why are monkeys good at tennis?
    • They have a great top-spinana!
  6. Why are monkeys good at golf?
    • They always hit the perfect swing!
  7. Why are monkeys good at gymnastics?
    • They love to flip and swing!
  8. Why are monkeys good at track and field?
    • They’re fast on their feet and great at the long jump!
  9. Why are monkeys good at boxing?
    • They have a knockout punch line!
  10. Why are monkeys good at wrestling?
    • They know all the monkey grips!
  11. Why are monkeys good at ice hockey?
    • They’re great at skating on thin ice!
  12. Why are monkeys good at cricket?
    • They’re masters of the banana swing!
  13. Why are monkeys good at table tennis?
    • They’re quick and have great reflexes!
  14. Why are monkeys good at diving?
    • They love to make a big splash!
  15. Why are monkeys good at skiing?
    • They love to slide and glide!
  16. Why are monkeys good at bowling?
    • They love to roll with it!
  17. Why are monkeys good at weightlifting?
    • They love to lift bunches of bananas!
  18. Why are monkeys good at rowing?
    • They’re great at monkeying around with oars!
  19. Why are monkeys good at cycling?
    • They’re always in gear for a good time!
  20. Why are monkeys good at dancing?
    • They have the best monkey moves!
  21. Why are monkeys good at archery?
    • They’re always on target!
  22. Why are monkeys good at swimming?
    • They love making waves!
  23. Why are monkeys good at fencing?
    • They’re quick and agile!
  24. Why are monkeys good at skateboarding?
    • They’re great at grinding and flipping!
  25. Why are monkeys good at surfing?
    • They love to ride the wave!
  26. Why are monkeys good at snowboarding?
    • They have perfect balance and a cool style!
  27. Why are monkeys good at horse racing?
    • They’re light and have a strong grip!
  28. Why are monkeys good at lacrosse?
    • They’re great at catching and throwing!
  29. Why are monkeys good at judo?
    • They’re quick and strong!
  30. Why are monkeys good at synchronized swimming?
    • They’re great at monkeying around in the water!
  31. Why are monkeys good at taekwondo?
    • They’ve got high flying kicks!
  32. Why are monkeys good at rugby?
    • They’re great at making a break for it!
  33. Why are monkeys good at figure skating?
    • They have grace on their side!
  34. Why are monkeys good at bobsledding?
    • They love the thrill of the slide!
  35. Why are monkeys good at squash?
    • They’re quick and great with rackets!
  36. Why are monkeys good at badminton?
    • They’re excellent with racquet swings!
  37. Why are monkeys good at handball?
    • They have a great throw!
  38. Why are monkeys good at trampolining?
    • They love to bounce around!
  39. Why are monkeys good at karate?
    • They’re quick and nimble!
  40. Why are monkeys good at high jump?
    • They’re used to jumping from tree to tree!
  41. Why are monkeys good at marathon running?
    • They have plenty of stamina!
  42. Why are monkeys good at triathlon?
    • They’re great at going bananas in multiple ways!
  43. Why are monkeys good at pole vaulting?
    • They’re used to climbing and jumping!
  44. Why are monkeys good at kayaking?
    • They love riding the rapids!
  45. Why are monkeys good at long jump?
    • They’re used to jumping from branch to branch!
  46. Why are monkeys good at javelin?
    • They have a strong arm throw!
  47. Why are monkeys good at sailing?
    • They love to monkey around with the sails!
  48. Why are monkeys good at BMX riding?
    • They’re daredevils on wheels!
  49. Why are monkeys good at parkour?
    • They’re natural acrobats!
  50. Why are monkeys good at water polo?
    • They love to splash and dash!
  51. Why are monkeys good at windsurfing?
    • They’re experts at riding the wind!
  52. Why are monkeys good at rock climbing?
    • They’re natural climbers!
  53. Why are monkeys good at shot put?
    • They’ve got a strong arm for throwing!
  54. Why are monkeys good at hurdle racing?
    • They’re great at jumping over obstacles!
  55. Why are monkeys good at skiing?
    • They’re naturally agile and love the snow!
  56. Why are monkeys good at hang gliding?
    • They love to be high in the sky!
Flying Monkey Jokes

Flying Monkey Jokes

  1. Why don’t monkeys fly in the sky?
    • Because they’re afraid of winged bananas!
  2. Why did the monkey get a job at the airport?
    • He wanted to go bananas on a plane!
  3. What do you call a flying monkey?
    • A hot air baboon!
  4. What did the monkey say to the bird?
    • Stop monkeying around in the sky!
  5. Why was the monkey on the airplane?
    • He wanted to prove he could go ape in the air!
  6. Why did the monkey take a parachute?
    • He wanted to be a skydiving chimp!
  7. What do you call a monkey who flew an airplane?
    • A Gorilla-naut!
  8. Why did the monkey like flying first class?
    • Because he wanted to feel like King Kong!
  9. What do you call a monkey with wings?
    • A banana glider!
  10. What’s a monkey’s favorite airline?
    • Ape-x Airlines!
  11. Why did the monkey jump out of the tree?
    • He wanted to test out his flying squirrel impression!
  12. Why did the monkey pack a suitcase?
    • He was going on a flight to Bananaland!
  13. What do you call a monkey who flies to work?
    • A business chimp!
  14. What did the monkey do when the airplane turbulence hit?
    • He held onto the branch… I mean, armrest!
  15. Why did the monkey get a job as a flight attendant?
    • He wanted to serve in-flight bananas!
  16. What do you call a monkey on a glider?
    • A glide-rangutan!
  17. Why don’t monkeys become pilots?
    • They can’t get the banana to start the plane!
  18. What is a monkey’s favorite part of a plane ride?
    • The free peanuts, it’s a nice change from bananas!
  19. Why don’t monkeys play with paper airplanes?
    • They prefer boomerangs. They come back just like a banana thrown in the air!
  20. What do you call a monkey with a jetpack?
    • A rocket-chimp!
  21. What is a flying monkey’s favorite song?
    • “I believe I can fly!”
  22. How did the monkey feel after his first flight?
    • Ape-solutely sky-high!
  23. What’s a flying monkey’s favorite game?
    • Hide and go screech!
  24. Why did the monkey pilot land the plane in the tree?
    • Because that’s where he parks his car!
  25. Why did the monkey go to flying school?
    • He wanted to become a pilot, not just another monkey in the business!
  26. What do you call a monkey flying over a war zone?
    • Ape-ache helicopter!
  27. Why was the monkey scared of the drone?
    • He thought it was a bird trying to steal his bananas!
  28. Why did the monkey bring a banana on the plane?
    • He wanted a snack for his flight to the Jungle Book!
  29. What do you call a monkey who loves skydiving?
    • An adrenaline junkie-ey!
  30. Why did the monkey swing on the airplane wing?
    • He thought it was a vine!
  31. How do monkeys get ready for a flight?
    • They pack their favorite bananas!
  32. Why did the monkey visit the international space station?
    • He wanted to be the first primate in space!
  33. What’s a flying monkey’s favorite type of music?
    • Swing music!
  34. What do you call a monkey that can fly a helicopter?
    • Chimp-copter!
  35. Why did the monkey take a hang gliding lesson?
    • He wanted to feel the wind in his fur!
  36. What did the monkey say when he landed his plane?
    • “That was apesolutely thrilling!”
  37. Why don’t monkeys need in-flight meals?
    • Because they always fly with their bananas!
  38. Why did the monkey become a fighter pilot?
    • He wanted to go bananas in the sky!
  39. Why don’t monkeys fly kites?
    • Because they’re afraid of heights!
  40. What do you call a monkey who flies without wings?
    • A leap-utan!
  41. Why did the monkey sit on the airplane’s wing?
    • Because he wanted to have a wing-side view!
  42. Why did the monkey use a hot air balloon?
    • He wanted to go bananas in the sky!
  43. Why do monkeys make terrible pilots?
    • Because they always go bananas on the runway!
  44. What do you call a monkey in a hot air balloon?
    • An uplifted ape!
  45. What did the monkey say to the flight attendant?
    • “One banana cocktail, please!”
  46. How did the monkey feel after his first parachute jump?
    • He went ape over it!
  47. Why was the monkey carrying an umbrella?
    • He heard it was raining cats and dogs, and he wanted to keep the cats away!
  48. How do monkeys get to the top of a building?
    • By taking the ape-livator!
  49. Why do monkeys never use rockets?
    • They’re scared of the blast off… it could peel their bananas!
  50. What do monkeys do when they’re nervous during a flight?
    • They peel their bananas!
  51. Why was the monkey in the cockpit?
    • He was trying to find the banana button!
  52. Why did the monkey join the air force?
    • He wanted to fight for apes in the sky!
Monkey Dad Jokes

Monkey Dad Jokes

  1. Why don’t monkeys use calendars?
    • Because it’s always the present in the jungle!
  2. Why don’t monkeys play cards in the jungle?
    • Too many cheetahs!
  3. What do you call a monkey who shares your birthday?
    • Your birthday primate!
  4. What do you call a baby monkey who falls out of a tree?
    • A bonobo-no-no!
  5. Why do monkeys love bananas?
    • Because they find them apeeling!
  6. What kind of key can a monkey not hold?
    • A don-key!
  7. Why did the monkey get lost?
    • Because jungle is massive!
  8. What do you call a monkey who sells potato chips?
    • A chipmunk!
  9. What do you call a monkey with a wand?
    • Harry Primate!
  10. What do you call a monkey that works in a bakery?
    • A banana bread maker!
  11. Why did the monkey take his banana to the doctor?
    • Because it wasn’t peeling well!
  12. What do monkeys do when they’re mad at each other?
    • They go bananas!
  13. What do you call a monkey at the North Pole?
    • Lost and frozen!
  14. Why did the monkey like the movie King Kong?
    • It was an ape-lauded classic!
  15. How does a monkey get down the stairs?
    • By sliding down the banana-ster!
  16. What’s a monkey’s favorite exercise?
    • Monkey bars!
  17. What do you call a monkey who’s an author?
    • Edgar Allan Primate!
  18. What’s a monkey’s favorite type of coffee?
    • Ape-uccino!
  19. How did the monkey ask his friend to the dance?
    • “I’m bananas for you, will you go to the dance with me?”
  20. Why don’t monkeys play hide and seek?
    • Because they always monkey around!
  21. What do you call a monkey in a tree?
    • A branch manager!
  22. Why did the monkey like to eat bananas?
    • Because they’re apeeling!
  23. How do monkeys say goodbye?
    • “Ape-ril later!”
  24. What do you call a monkey who loves Christmas?
    • A Chimpmas Carol!
  25. What do you call a monkey at a construction site?
    • A steel grilla!
  26. What do monkeys do when they’re bored?
    • They monkey around!
  27. Why did the monkey bring a ladder to school?
    • He wanted to get to high school!
  28. What’s a monkey’s favorite fruit?
    • Ape-ricots!
  29. What do you call a monkey magician?
    • Hocus Pocus Primatus!
  30. What do you call a monkey who is in charge of a train?
    • A gorilla conductor!
  31. Why was the monkey a great painter?
    • Because he had the perfect brush-stroke!
  32. Why did the monkey go to the party?
    • Because it was a jungle out there!
  33. Why did the monkey use a bandage?
    • Because he had a monkey boo-boo!
  34. What’s a monkey’s favorite game?
    • Ape-ril Fool’s!
  35. What do you call a monkey with a wizard hat?
    • Hairy Potter!
  36. How do monkeys stay in touch?
    • Ape-mail!
  37. What do you call a monkey with a flower?
    • Ape-daisy!
  38. What did the banana say to the monkey?
    • Nothing, bananas can’t talk!
  39. What do monkeys do when they’re angry?
    • Go bananas!
  40. Why was the monkey always lost?
    • Because jungle is massive!
  41. Why don’t monkeys use smartphones?
    • They find it hard to press the tiny buttons with their paws!
  42. Why did the monkey like the banana?
    • Because it had appeal!
  43. What do you call a monkey in a blizzard?
    • A snow flake!
  44. What do you call a monkey that can play baseball?
    • Ape Ruth!
  45. What do you call a monkey in a film?
    • An ape movie star!
  46. Why was the monkey always happy?
    • Because he was a jolly-olly-ape!
  47. Why did the monkey bring a suitcase to the zoo?
    • He wanted to pack his trunk!
  48. Why was the baby monkey so noisy?
    • Because it was a chimp-an-zee!
  49. What do you call a monkey who loves to dance?
    • A jiggy ape!
  50. Why did the monkey become a baker?
    • Because he was great at making banana bread!
  51. Why did the monkey become a light bulb changer?
    • He had the skills to climb and reach for the stars!
  52. What do you call a monkey who can’t keep secrets?
    • A blaboon!
  53. What do you call a monkey in a suit?
    • The Ape-rentice!
  54. Why did the monkey become a fighter pilot?
    • He wanted to go bananas in the sky!
  55. Why did the monkey become a police officer?
    • Because he wanted to uphold the paw and order!
  56. Why did the monkey refuse to play cards in the jungle?
    • Because he was afraid of cheetahs!
  57. Why did the monkey bring a banana to the party?
    • Because he wanted to go ape!
  58. What do you call a monkey who loves chips?
    • A chipanzee!
  59. What do you call a monkey who is good at playing pool?
    • A cue-tan!
  60. What did the banana say to the monkey?
    • “Why do you keep peeling off my clothes?”


As we leave the realm of monkey business and return to human affairs, it’s hard not to carry some of the joy and laughter that our simian friends have inspired.

These monkey jokes and puns remind us to take a break from our daily routine and have a hearty laugh. After all, humor, much like the monkeys that inspired these jokes, is an essential part of our lives.

Whether you’re young or just young at heart, never hesitate to share a joke and spread the laughter.

So the next time life gets a bit too serious, pull out your favorite monkey joke, and let the hilarity ensue!

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