The Ultimate Compilation Of Hilarious Hand Jokes

Embrace your humorous side with our comprehensive collection of hand jokes.

This article delves into the world of puns, one-liners, and gags that revolve around the concept of hands.

From ‘handy’ puns to jests about palms and fingers, this light-hearted compilation is sure to make you laugh, cringe, and even appreciate the creative twist of words.

Perfect for sharing with friends or lightening up a gathering, these hand jokes are guaranteed to keep your comedy spirit ‘handy’.

Puns About Hands

  1. Why don’t hands ever get lonely? Because they always hold each other.
  2. You know what they say, the hand that gives is always full.
  3. I tried to catch a falling knife, but it got out of hand.
  4. I went to a second hand shop, but they were all out of hands.
  5. I’ve got to hand it to you, that’s a great idea.
  6. I was going to write a joke about hands, but I can’t seem to finger it out.
  7. It’s easy to count on your fingers, unless you’re under-handed.
  8. I took a picture of my hand, I guess it was a hand-some selfie.
  9. I’ve been learning sign language, it’s pretty handy.
  10. Why was the hand a great boxer? Because it was always in a fist.
  11. Hands down, you’re the best.
  12. If a clock could talk, it would say, “Time’s on my hand.”
  13. My hands are so clever, they always know what’s at hand.
  14. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve… or should I say, at my fingertips?
  15. I wanted to win the poker game, but I couldn’t handle it.
  16. I tried to study palm reading, but it got out of hand quickly.
  17. The reason hands don’t talk is because actions speak louder than words.
  18. What do you call a hand that tells jokes? A stand-up palm-edian.
  19. There was a criminal who got caught red-handed. His career was quite brief.
  20. I love gloves, they always give me a warm hand.
  21. I tried to play the guitar, but I couldn’t finger the chords.
  22. I gave a round of applause. The circle was quite handy.
  23. It’s a little-known fact that hands are the original palm pilots.
  24. I went to a glove shop, they gave me a five-finger discount.
  25. Why was the clock so popular? Because it always gave a good hand.
  26. Hands are so hip, they’re always doing the wave.
  27. I was going to be a hand model, but they said I was too knuckle-headed.
  28. What does a hand use to call someone? A thumb-phone.
  29. Why don’t hands ever lie? Because they’re always in touch with reality.
  30. My hand-written novel got rave reviews. It was a gripping tale.
  31. Why was the glove so good at debates? Because it always had a good counter-punch.
  32. I entered a thumb wrestling contest, but the competition was tough.
  33. Why do hands never get lost? Because they always follow the palm-path.
  34. If you’re a hand, every liquid is a hand-sanitizer.
  35. Why was the hand good at chess? It always had the right moves at its fingertips.
  36. I went to a thumb party, it was a lot of finger food.
  37. Hand puppets: the original hand-held devices.
  38. Hand shadows are quite entertaining, you never know what will pop up.
  39. The hand who won the race was victorious, hands down.
  40. Why do hands never get angry? Because they’re always in a clasp.
  41. I wanted to give a handshake but my hands were tied.
  42. If you need a hand, I’ve got two I can lend.
  43. You’re so talented, you can do anything single-handedly.
  44. Why did the finger break up with its nail? It said, “It’s not you, it’s me… hand.”
  45. Gloves are just hand-socks when you think about it.
  46. My hand went on a diet. Now it’s feeling a bit thin-gers.
  47. A hand’s favorite song? “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” by the Beatles.
  48. A hand’s favorite fruit? Finger limes.
  49. What’s a hand’s favorite part of the car? The glove compartment.
  50. A hand’s favorite dance move? The hand jive.
  51. Why was the hand good at basketball? It always knew how to handle the ball.
  52. I wanted to tell a pun about my hand, but I can’t make it fit on one page.
  53. How does a hand ask for food? “Can you give me a handwich?”
  54. What’s a hand’s favorite drink? Finger ale.
Funny Hand Jokes

Funny Hand Jokes

  1. What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back? A stick-hand.
  2. What did the finger say to the thumb? “I’m in glove with you.”
  3. Why was the computer cold? It left its Windows open.
  4. Why did the hand go to school? To get a little more “palm-ucation.”
  5. What kind of hand can never hold anything? A fist!
  6. What do you call a hand that picks its nose? A pick-pocket.
  7. How does a hand make music? It just fingers it out.
  8. Why are fingers never lonely? Because they always hang out in groups.
  9. What does a hand do when it’s tired? It takes a palm nap.
  10. Why was the hand a great detective? Because it could always finger the culprit.
  11. What’s a hand’s favorite game? Finger twister.
  12. Why did the gloves go to the party? Because they heard it was hand-held.
  13. What did one glove say to the other? “You’re so glove-able!”
  14. Why did the hand go to therapy? It couldn’t handle the pressure.
  15. How does a hand write a letter? It pens it.
  16. Why was the hand so good at the game? It had all the cards up its sleeve.
  17. Why do hands make terrible secret keepers? Because they can’t keep anything to themselves.
  18. What do you call a hand that can play the piano? A handy musician.
  19. Why was the hand good at chess? Because it knew all the right moves.
  20. What did the finger say to the thumb? “I’m pointing at you!”
  21. What do you call a hand that loves to take selfies? A hand with a selfie-stick.
  22. Why do hands never lose at hide and seek? Because they always have a hiding place up their sleeve.
  23. Why was the glove always in trouble? It never knew how to conduct itself.
  24. What’s a hand’s favorite type of beat? A hand-drum.
  25. Why did the hand go to the party? To give a round of applause.
  26. How does a hand draw a perfect circle? It does a 360.
  27. What’s a hand’s favorite type of bread? A hand-bread.
  28. What do you call a left hand that can write? Ambi-dextrous.
  29. What does a hand put in its coffee? A little cream and “sugar-fingers.”
  30. Why was the hand always caught red-handed? Because it always had a finger in the pie.
  31. How does a hand show its age? Wrinkles on the palm.
  32. What did one glove say to the other glove? “Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.”
  33. Why was the hand a great artist? Because it had a fine touch.
  34. How does a hand ask for more cake? “Can I have another slice, please? I can handle it.”
  35. What’s a hand’s favorite fish? Fingerlings.
  36. How does a hand stop a fight? It waves a white flag.
  37. Why did the hand always win at poker? Because it always knew when to fold.
  38. What’s a hand’s favorite drink? Palm-wine.
  39. Why do hands never go hungry? Because they’re always full of fingers.
  40. Why did the glove date the mitt? Because it was smitten.
  41. What’s a hand’s favorite city? Palm Springs.
  42. What’s a hand’s favorite snack? Finger chips.
  43. Why was the hand good at tennis? It always had a good grip.
  44. Why do hands always win the war? Because they have a strong army.
  45. How does a hand say hello? With a handshake.
  46. What’s a hand’s favorite movie? “Hands Solo.”
  47. What do you call a hand with no fingers? A palm.
  48. What did the hand say to the face? “High five!”
  49. What do you call a hand that likes to create drama? A hand-ful.
  50. Why did the hand go to the bank? To withdraw some finger notes.

Small Hand Jokes

  1. Why was the hand always feeling small? Because it couldn’t grasp big concepts.
  2. Why are tiny hands the best at hiding? They always fit into small places.
  3. What do tiny hands use to write? Mini-pens.
  4. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite car? A Mini Cooper.
  5. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite snack? Fingerling potatoes.
  6. Why did the tiny hand go to the shrink? It had a small problem.
  7. What do tiny hands wear to parties? Mini gloves.
  8. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite game? Miniature golf.
  9. Why was the tiny hand good at math? It could always count on its fingers.
  10. Why was the tiny hand a great artist? It had a fine touch.
  11. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite band? The Small Hands Band.
  12. Why are tiny hands never late? They always keep a small watch.
  13. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite dessert? A small piece of cake.
  14. Why do tiny hands love compact cars? They’re a great fit.
  15. Why did the tiny hand go to the mini-market? It needed small groceries.
  16. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite animal? A small-fry.
  17. What did the tiny hand say to the big glove? You’re too large for me.
  18. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite drink? Mini-soda.
  19. Why was the tiny hand a great pianist? It could play the mini-ature keys.
  20. What does a tiny hand use to eat? A mini fork.
  21. Why do tiny hands love mini cupcakes? They’re just the right size.
  22. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite movie? “Honey, I Shrunk the Hands.”
  23. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite holiday? Smallentine’s Day.
  24. Why did the tiny hand go to the spa? It needed a mini-cure.
  25. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite sport? Mini golf.
  26. What did the tiny hand say to the big hand? “You’re too hands-on.”
  27. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite fruit? Smallberries.
  28. Why do tiny hands like pocket watches? They’re just the right size.
  29. What does a tiny hand bring to a picnic? Mini sandwiches.
  30. Why was the tiny hand a good chef? It always used just a pinch of salt.
  31. Why do tiny hands love smartphones? They’re just the right size.
  32. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite book? “Little Hands, Big World.”
  33. Why was the tiny hand great at poker? It knew how to handle small stakes.
  34. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite tree? The dwarf palm.
  35. What does a tiny hand use to brush its teeth? A mini toothbrush.
  36. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite dance? The minuet.
  37. Why did the tiny hand win the baking contest? It made the best miniature pies.
  38. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite toy? A mini action figure.
  39. Why did the tiny hand go to the tailor? It needed its gloves tailored.
  40. Why was the tiny hand always cold? It lost its mini mittens.
  41. What does a tiny hand use to measure things? A mini ruler.
  42. What does a tiny hand use to cut things? A small knife.
  43. Why did the tiny hand go to the dentist? It had a little cavity.
  44. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite plant? The mini palm.
  45. What does a tiny hand use to dig a hole? A small spade.
  46. Why did the tiny hand go to the party? It was a small gathering.
  47. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite song? “It’s a Small World.”
  48. What does a tiny hand use to fix things? A mini screwdriver.
  49. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite dessert? Small s’mores.
  50. Why did the tiny hand go to the beach? It wanted to build a mini sandcastle.
  51. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite type of dog? A miniature schnauzer.
  52. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite candy? Mini M&Ms.
  53. Why did the tiny hand go to the playground? It loved the mini-golf.
  54. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite flower? The little finger flower.
  55. Why do tiny hands love mini fridges? They’re the perfect size.
  56. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite type of cake? Mini cupcakes.
  57. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite bird? A little sparrow.
  58. Why do tiny hands love small talk? It’s just their size.
  59. What’s a tiny hand’s favorite type of pasta? Little fingers pasta.
  60. Why did the tiny hand go to the circus? It loved the mini-clowns.

Big Hand Jokes

  1. Why was the hand good at basketball? It had a large grip.
  2. What’s a big hand’s favorite meal? A handful of spaghetti.
  3. Why was the big hand always tired? It had a lot to carry.
  4. What did the big hand say to the little hand? “You’re a bit short-handed.”
  5. What’s a big hand’s favorite movie? “The Giant Hand That Rocked The Cradle.”
  6. Why did the big hand get a promotion? It had a great handle on things.
  7. Why was the big hand a good detective? It always had the upper hand.
  8. What’s a big hand’s favorite city? Palm Springs, because everything’s larger than life.
  9. Why did the big hand go to the gym? It wanted to get a grip.
  10. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of cheese? Hand-some cheddar.
  11. Why was the big hand good at cooking? It could hold many ingredients.
  12. What’s a big hand’s favorite dance? The hand jive, because it’s a big hand movement.
  13. Why did the big hand go to the bakery? It wanted a baker’s dozen.
  14. What did the big hand say to the glove? “You’re too small for me.”
  15. What’s a big hand’s favorite candy? Handfuls of jelly beans.
  16. Why was the big hand good at golf? It always had a good grip.
  17. Why did the big hand become a puppeteer? It always liked to have control.
  18. What’s a big hand’s favorite song? “I Wanna Hold Your Hand.”
  19. Why was the big hand a good singer? It always hit the high notes.
  20. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of music? Heavy metal because it’s heavy-handed.
  21. Why was the big hand a good goalie? It could catch anything.
  22. Why did the big hand go to the big sale? It wanted a big deal.
  23. Why did the big hand go to the doctor? It felt a bit swollen.
  24. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of drink? A large smoothie.
  25. Why did the big hand become a teacher? It had a lot to offer.
  26. What’s a big hand’s favorite book? “Great Expectations.”
  27. Why did the big hand get a big hat? It had a large head to cover.
  28. What’s a big hand’s favorite game? Big-hand poker.
  29. Why was the big hand a good judge? It had a strong hand in decisions.
  30. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of car? A hand-me-down SUV.
  31. Why was the big hand good at chess? It had a strong strategy.
  32. Why did the big hand go to the restaurant? It wanted a big meal.
  33. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of pasta? Large shells.
  34. Why did the big hand go to the library? It wanted a big book.
  35. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of bird? A large eagle.
  36. Why was the big hand a good writer? It had a big vocabulary.
  37. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of dessert? A large pie.
  38. Why did the big hand go to the tailor? It needed a big glove.
  39. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of dog? A great Dane.
  40. Why did the big hand go to the music concert? It loved the big band.
  41. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of watch? A big-face watch.
  42. Why was the big hand good at climbing? It had a strong grip.
  43. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of plant? A large palm tree.
  44. Why did the big hand go to the zoo? It loved the big animals.
  45. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of fruit? A large watermelon.
  46. Why was the big hand a good drummer? It could hit the big beats.
  47. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of fish? A big blue marlin.
  48. Why did the big hand go to the circus? It loved the big top.
  49. What’s a big hand’s favorite type of shoe? A large size.
  50. Why did the big hand go to the park? It loved the wide open spaces.
Wrist Puns

Wrist Puns

  1. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of music? Wristo-pop.
  2. How does a wrist beat a drum? It gives it a wristle.
  3. Why was the wrist good at basketball? It had a good wrist shot.
  4. What do you call a wrist that makes music? A wrist-band.
  5. Why do wrists never get lost? They always have a hand to guide them.
  6. What’s a wrist’s favorite watch? The one that fits like a glove.
  7. Why was the wrist a good artist? It had a steady hand.
  8. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of dance? The wrist-twist.
  9. Why was the wrist a good baker? It had a knack for kneading dough.
  10. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of candy? Wrist-lers.
  11. Why was the wrist a good golfer? It had a strong swing.
  12. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of jewelry? A wristlet.
  13. Why was the wrist a good chef? It could always handle the heat.
  14. What do you call a wrist that tells jokes? A wrist-cracker.
  15. Why was the wrist a good teacher? It could always handle the pressure.
  16. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of exercise? Wrist-lifting.
  17. Why was the wrist a good dancer? It had all the right moves.
  18. What’s a wrist’s favorite book? “The Wristtaker.”
  19. Why was the wrist a good doctor? It had a steady hand.
  20. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of dog? A wrist-ler.
  21. Why was the wrist a good runner? It could always keep pace.
  22. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of flower? A wrist-rose.
  23. Why was the wrist a good pilot? It had a steady hand.
  24. What do you call a wrist that can predict the future? A wrist-al.
  25. Why was the wrist a good musician? It had a good beat.
  26. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of fruit? A wrist-berry.
  27. Why was the wrist a good carpenter? It could always nail it.
  28. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of game? Wrist-ling.
  29. Why was the wrist a good driver? It always had a good grip.
  30. What do you call a wrist that can play guitar? A wrist-rocker.
  31. Why was the wrist a good detective? It always had a good hunch.
  32. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of bird? A wrist-bird.
  33. Why was the wrist a good actor? It could always handle the role.
  34. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of tree? A wrist-pine.
  35. Why was the wrist a good boxer? It had a strong punch.
  36. What do you call a wrist that tells time? A wrist-watch.
  37. Why was the wrist a good sailor? It could always steer the ship.
  38. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of fish? A wrist-fish.
  39. Why was the wrist a good writer? It could always handle the pen.
  40. What do you call a wrist that loves to cook? A wrist-chef.
  41. Why was the wrist a good tennis player? It had a strong serve.
  42. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of cookie? A wrist-cookie.
  43. Why was the wrist a good basketball player? It had a good shot.
  44. What do you call a wrist that likes to joke? A wrist-ter.
  45. Why was the wrist a good drummer? It could always keep the beat.
  46. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of bread? A wrist-bread.
  47. Why was the wrist a good gardener? It could always handle the plants.
  48. What do you call a wrist that likes to draw? A wrist-artist.
  49. Why was the wrist a good pianist? It could always play the keys.
  50. What’s a wrist’s favorite type of chocolate? A wrist-ler’s chocolate.
  51. Why was the wrist a good archer? It had a good draw.
  52. What do you call a wrist that loves to sing? A wrist-star.
  53. Why was the wrist a good cook? It could always stir the pot.

Silly Jokes

  1. Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!
  2. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired.
  3. What do you call a snowman with a six-pack? An abdominal snowman.
  4. Why don’t secret agents sleep? Because they don’t want to be caught napping.
  5. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  6. How do you organize a space party? You planet.
  7. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.
  8. Why did the cookie go to the doctor? Because it felt crumby.
  9. What’s brown and sticky? A stick.
  10. What do you call cheese that’s not yours? Nacho cheese.
  11. Why was the computer cold? It left its windows open.
  12. How does a train eat? It goes chew chew.
  13. Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts.
  14. What do you call fake spaghetti? An impasta.
  15. Why can’t you give Elsa a balloon? Because she’ll let it go.
  16. What does a bee use to brush its hair? A honeycomb.
  17. What’s a ghost’s favorite fruit? Boo-berries.
  18. Why did the golfer bring two pants? In case he got a hole in one.
  19. Why was the belt arrested? Because it was holding up pants.
  20. What do you call a fish without eyes? Fsh.
  21. What do you get if you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite.
  22. What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear.
  23. Why don’t some animals play cards? Because they’re afraid of cheetahs.
  24. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing.
  25. What do you call a boomerang that doesn’t come back? A stick.
  26. Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems.
  27. How does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together.
  28. Why can’t a leopard hide? Because it’s always spotted.
  29. Why did the chicken join a band? Because it had the drumsticks.
  30. What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator.
  31. What do you call a pile of kittens? A meowtain.
  32. Why did the picture go to jail? Because it was framed.
  33. What do you call a bear with no ears? B.
  34. Why don’t they play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs.
  35. What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot.
  36. What’s a pirate’s favorite letter? You’d think it’s R, but his first love is the C.
  37. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
  38. Why can’t you trust the king of the jungle? Because he’s always lion.
  39. Why did the elephant bring a suitcase to the zoo? Because he wanted to pack his trunk.
  40. What’s black, white, and red all over? A sunburnt penguin.
  41. Why did the crab never share? Because he’s a little shellfish.
  42. How does the ocean say hello? It waves.
  43. Why did the banana go to the party? Because it was a-peeling.
  44. What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work? A can’t opener.
  45. What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.
  46. Why did the mushroom go to the party? Because he was a fungi.
  47. What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite.
  48. Why did the golfer change his pants? Because he got a hole in one.
  49. Why do melons have weddings? Because they cantaloupe.
  50. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field.
  51. Why do we tell actors to “break a leg”? Because every play has a cast.
  52. Why don’t we write with a broken pencil? Because it’s pointless.
  53. Why did the bicycle stand on its own? It was two-tired.
  54. What did one wall say to the other wall? I’ll meet you at the corner.
One Hand Jokes

One Hand Jokes

  1. What can you catch with one hand? A cold.
  2. What does one hand say to the other hand? I glove you.
  3. Why was the one-handed man a great chef? He knew how to handle the heat.
  4. What do you call a one-handed man at a piano? A soloist.
  5. Why did the one-handed man become a gardener? He knew he could handle it.
  6. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite tool? A handheld device.
  7. Why did the one-handed man become a boxer? He was handy with his fists.
  8. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite game? Solitaire.
  9. Why did the one-handed man go to the shop? To get a hand with his groceries.
  10. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite song? “I Wanna Hold Your Hand.”
  11. Why did the one-handed man become a teacher? He knew he could handle the students.
  12. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite animal? A handfish.
  13. Why did the one-handed man become a baker? He was handy with dough.
  14. What do you call a one-handed man who’s a great dancer? Hand-some.
  15. Why did the one-handed man become a writer? He was handy with words.
  16. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite drink? A Hand Grenade cocktail.
  17. Why did the one-handed man become a tailor? He had a good handle on fashion.
  18. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite film? “The Hand That Rocks the Cradle.”
  19. Why did the one-handed man become a comedian? He knew he could handle a joke.
  20. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite snack? A handful of nuts.
  21. Why did the one-handed man become an artist? He had a good handle on colors.
  22. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite type of candy? Lollipops, they only need one hand.
  23. Why did the one-handed man become a musician? He knew how to handle a tune.
  24. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite car? A hand-me-down.
  25. Why did the one-handed man become a juggler? He knew how to handle balls.
  26. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite book? “The Left Hand of Darkness.”
  27. Why did the one-handed man become a carpenter? He was handy with wood.
  28. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite dessert? A hand pie.
  29. Why did the one-handed man become a pilot? He knew how to handle a plane.
  30. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite sport? Handball.
  31. Why did the one-handed man become a magician? He knew how to handle tricks.
  32. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite flower? A hand-me-down rose.
  33. Why did the one-handed man become a chef? He knew how to handle a recipe.
  34. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite bird? A sparrow, they eat from your hand.
  35. Why did the one-handed man become a sailor? He knew how to handle a ship.
  36. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite fish? A handfish.
  37. Why did the one-handed man become a director? He knew how to handle a scene.
  38. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite type of tree? A handroanthus.
  39. Why did the one-handed man become a photographer? He knew how to handle a shot.
  40. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite card game? Hand and Foot.
  41. Why did the one-handed man become a bartender? He knew how to handle a drink.
  42. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite insect? A handmaiden moth.
  43. Why did the one-handed man become a florist? He knew how to handle flowers.
  44. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite type of dog? A hand-me-down terrier.
  45. Why did the one-handed man become a jeweler? He knew how to handle gems.
  46. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite type of hat? A hand-me-down cap.
  47. Why did the one-handed man become a locksmith? He knew how to handle a key.
  48. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite type of shoe? A hand-me-down boot.
  49. Why did the one-handed man become a reporter? He knew how to handle a scoop.
  50. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite type of shirt? A hand-me-down t-shirt.
  51. Why did the one-handed man become a race car driver? He knew how to handle speed.
  52. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite type of pants? Hand-me-down jeans.
  53. Why did the one-handed man become a lifeguard? He knew how to handle waves.
  54. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite city? Handan in China.
  55. Why did the one-handed man become a librarian? He knew how to handle books.
  56. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite type of watch? A hand-wound watch.
  57. Why did the one-handed man become a clockmaker? He knew how to handle time.
  58. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite dance? The Hand Jive.
  59. Why did the one-handed man become a banker? He knew how to handle money.
  60. What’s a one-handed man’s favorite planet? The one he can handle, Earth.


We’ve successfully navigated through the humorous realm of hand jokes, and it’s clear that the joy of laughter truly is at our fingertips.

These clever, silly, and sometimes downright goofy hand-related jests prove that humor can be found in the most common of places, including our own hands.

Whether you’re a pun enthusiast or simply enjoy a good laugh, there’s a hand joke in here that will tickle your funny bone.

Remember, laughter is the best medicine, so keep these jokes on-hand for whenever you need a dose.

If you’ve got more ‘handy’ jokes, don’t keep them to yourself; we’d love to give them a round of applause!

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