Orange Jokes: An Overflowing Bowl of Citrusy Humor

Get ready for a zesty twist on humor with our collection of orange-themed jokes!

From the orchard to the juice box, these punchlines will appeal to the citrus lover in all of us, adding a fresh squeeze of fun to your day.

So, peel back the layers of your daily grind and laugh out loud with these Vitamin-C packed jokes.

Orange Puns

  1. Why did the orange go to school? To become a “juice-tice” of the peace.
  2. What do you call an orange that can sing? A “Carrioke”!
  3. Why was the orange sad? It had a zest for life but no pith to show for it.
  4. What do you get when you cross an orange and a comedian? A “citrus wit”!
  5. What did one orange say to the other on their wedding day? “Orange you glad we found each other?”
  6. Why did the orange become an astronaut? It wanted to go to “planet Zest”!
  7. How do you fix a broken orange? With “tangerine glue”!
  8. What do you call a mischievous orange? A “pranksterine”!
  9. What’s an orange’s favorite type of music? “Juice”ic!
  10. Why did the orange go to the doctor? It wasn’t “peeling” well!
  11. What’s an orange’s favorite outdoor activity? “Peeling” out on a bike ride!
  12. Why did the orange win the race? It had a “zest” for speed!
  13. What do you call a fashionable orange? “Citrus couture”!
  14. Why did the orange get a ticket? It was “peeling” out of control!
  15. How do oranges communicate with each other? Through “citrus messaging”!
  16. What do you call an orange that can perform magic tricks? A “citru-sorcerer”!
  17. What did the orange say to the grapefruit? “You’re one in a zest”!
  18. Why did the orange go to the gym? It wanted to “squeeze” in a workout!
  19. What did the orange say to the pineapple? You’re the apple of my eye… or should I say, orange of my eye?”
  20. Why did the orange become a chef? It wanted to “squeeze” the most out of every recipe!
  21. What do you call a sad orange? A “tear-rine”!
  22. Why did the orange join the band? It wanted to play the “citrus drums”!
  23. What did the orange say to the lemon at the party? “We make a “pulp”-ar team!”
  24. Why was the orange afraid of the apple? It heard it was a “bad apple”!
  25. What do you get when you cross an orange and a kangaroo? “Citrus hops”!
  26. Why did the orange go to the doctor? It wasn’t “peeling” well!
  27. What’s an orange’s favorite type of music? “Juice”ic!
  28. Why did the orange bring sunscreen to the beach? It didn’t want to “peel”!
  29. How do you make an orange laugh? “Tangerine” its mood!
  30. What did the orange say to the blender? “Don’t squeeze the juice out of me!”
  31. Why did the orange break up with the grapefruit? It found a “zest” mate!
  32. What’s an orange’s favorite exercise? “Squeezecise”!
  33. How does an orange apologize? It says, “I’m “sor-rynge” for the mistake!”
  34. Why was the orange a good actor? It had great “peel” presence!
  35. What do you call an orange that’s a great dancer? “Citrus samba”!
  36. Why did the orange go to the gym? It wanted to become a “peel” of fitness!
  37. What do you call a wise orange? A “sage-citrus”!
  38. Why did the orange go to the art museum? It wanted to see the “fruit” of human creativity!
  39. What did the orange say to the lemon when it told a joke? “You’re a-peeling!”
  40. How do you catch a unique orange? “U-neek” up on it!
  41. What’s an orange’s favorite game? “Peel and seek”!
  42. Why did the orange become a teacher? It wanted to “juice” young minds!
  43. What did the orange say to the apple at the party? “You’re the “core” of attention!”
  44. How do you mend a broken orange? With “citrus” adhesive!
  45. Why did the orange go to the beach alone? It couldn’t find a “squeeze”!
  46. What do you call a talented orange? A “citrus prodigy”!
  47. Why did the orange apply for a job at the bakery? It wanted to become a “peel-of-the-pastries”!
  48. What’s an orange’s favorite board game? “Peel-ony”!
  49. Why did the orange become a scientist? It wanted to unlock the mysteries of “citrus-try”!
  50. What did the orange say to the lime during a race? “I’m “peel”-ing pretty fast!”

Orange Juice Puns

  1. Orange you glad we’re starting off with some juicy puns?
  2. I’m not feeling “pulp”-ar today, I need some orange juice.
  3. Orange you glad I’m squeezing out these puns?
  4. I’m “citrus-ly” in love with orange juice.
  5. These puns are so good, they’re giving me a Vitamin C-entury boost!
  6. Don’t worry, these puns are freshly squeezed for your enjoyment.
  7. Let’s “squeeze” the most out of these orange juice puns!
  8. My love for orange juice is “concentrated.”
  9. These puns are the zest of the bunch!
  10. I’m not a fan of pulp in my orange juice, it’s just too “text-citrus.”
  11. Orange you glad these puns aren’t too “tart”?
  12. These puns are like a refreshing glass of orange juice for the soul.
  13. I can’t help but make citrus puns, they’re just so “a-peeling.”
  14. Orange you glad we’re having a “punny” time with orange juice?
  15. I’m “squeezed” for puns, but I’ll give it my zest shot.
  16. These puns are like a burst of sunshine in a glass of orange juice.
  17. My puns are like freshly squeezed orange juice, they never get old.
  18. Let’s pulp the brakes and enjoy these orange juice puns.
  19. Orange you glad I’m not making any sour puns?
  20. These puns are as refreshing as a tall glass of orange juice on a hot day.
  21. I’m on a “pulp” culture diet, filled with orange juice puns.
  22. These puns are the “zest” in the world of humor.
  23. Orange you glad we’re juicing up this conversation with puns?
  24. These puns are so good, they make me want to do a “juice dance.”
  25. I hope these puns leave you feeling “citrus-fied” and satisfied.
  26. Let’s not “squeeze” out any more puns, we don’t want to run dry.
  27. Orange you glad these puns are sweet and tangy?
  28. These puns are like a Vitamin C boost for your sense of humor.
  29. I’m not a morning person, but a glass of orange juice puns can brighten my day.
  30. Orange you glad these puns are pulp fiction?
  31. These puns are like a refreshing sip of orange juice for your mind.
  32. I’m juiced up and ready to deliver some more puns.
  33. Let’s raise a glass to these “zesty” orange juice puns.
  34. Orange you glad we’re squeezing out all these puns together?
  35. These puns are the zest thing you’ll read all day!
  36. I’m not trying to be a “juice bag,” I just love orange juice puns.
  37. These puns are ripe and ready for the juicing.
  38. Orange you glad I’m not serving up any sour puns?
  39. These puns are like a squeeze of laughter in your day.
  40. I’m feeling “pulp-tastic” with these orange juice puns.
  41. Let’s have a “pulp”-ular party with these puns.
  42. Orange you glad we’re not running out of puns yet?
  43. These puns are like the perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess.
  44. I’m “squeezed” for more puns, but I’ll give it my best shot.
  45. Let’s raise a glass to these “juicy” puns!
  46. Orange you glad these puns are a-peeling to your sense of humor?
  47. These puns are the apple… I mean, orange of my eye.
  48. I’m not trying to be a “juice-killer,” but these puns are the best.
  49. Let’s “squeeze” out every drop of humor from these puns.
  50. Orange you glad we juiced up this conversation with puns?
Orange Juice Puns

Bad Oranges Jokes

  1. Why did the orange go to the doctor? It wasn’t “peeling” well.
  2. What do you call an orange that got into a fight? A “citrus brawler.”
  3. Why did the orange stop in the middle of the road? It ran out of juice.
  4. What do you get if you cross an orange with a banana? A “sour fruit.”
  5. Why did the orange break up with the grapefruit? It found a “zest” mate.
  6. How do you catch a unique orange? “U-neek” up on it.
  7. What did one orange say to the other during a race? “I’m “peel”-ing pretty fast!”
  8. What’s an orange’s favorite type of music? “Juice”-ic.
  9. Why did the orange become a comedian? It had a “pulp”able sense of humor.
  10. What’s an orange’s favorite game? “Peel and seek.”
  11. Why did the orange refuse to play cards? It didn’t want to “peel” anything.
  12. What do you call an orange that can sing? A “carrioke.”
  13. What do you call a sad orange? A “tear-rine.”
  14. Why did the orange wear sunscreen to the beach? It didn’t want to “peel.”
  15. How do you fix a broken orange? With “tangerine” glue.
  16. What do you call an orange that can perform magic tricks? A “citru-sorcerer.”
  17. Why did the orange go to school? To become a “juice-tice” of the peace.
  18. Why did the orange go to the gym? It wanted to “squeeze” in a workout.
  19. How do oranges communicate with each other? Through “citrus messaging.”
  20. What did one orange say to the other at the dance party? “We make a “pulp”-ar team.”
  21. What did the orange say to the lemon when it told a joke? “You’re a-peeling.”
  22. Why did the orange become an astronaut? It wanted to go to “planet Zest.”
  23. What did the orange say to the pineapple? “You’re the apple of my eye… or should I say, orange of my eye?”
  24. Why did the orange bring sunscreen to the desert? It didn’t want to “peel” from the sunburn.
  25. How does an orange apologize? It says, “I’m “sor-rynge” for the mistake.”
  26. What do you call a mischievous orange? A “pranksterine.”
  27. Why did the orange go to the doctor? It wasn’t “peeling” well.
  28. What’s an orange’s favorite outdoor activity? “Peeling” out on a bike ride.
  29. Why did the orange win the race? It had a “zest” for speed.
  30. What do you call an orange that’s a great dancer? “Citrus samba.”
  31. Why did the orange become a chef? It wanted to “squeeze” the most out of every recipe.
  32. How do you make an orange laugh? “Tangerine” its mood.
  33. What did the orange say to the blender? “Don’t squeeze the juice out of me!”
  34. Why did the orange break up with the grape? It found it too “grape-y.”
  35. What’s an orange’s favorite exercise? “Squeezercise.”
  36. Why did the orange go to the gym? It wanted to become a “peel” of fitness

Orange You Glad Jokes

  1. Orange you glad I brought you these jokes?
  2. Orange you glad oranges exist? They’re so citrus-tastically delicious!
  3. Orange you glad for a little vitamin C boost from oranges?
  4. Orange you glad you can juice oranges to make refreshing beverages?
  5. Orange you glad oranges come in their own natural packaging?
  6. Orange you glad oranges make the perfect portable snack?
  7. Orange you glad oranges are so juicy and flavorful?
  8. Orange you glad oranges add a pop of color to any fruit basket?
  9. Orange you glad oranges are full of antioxidants and nutrients?
  10. Orange you glad oranges are a versatile ingredient in both sweet and savory recipes?
  11. Orange you glad oranges can be used to make tangy marmalade?
  12. Orange you glad oranges are the citrus kings and queens?
  13. Orange you glad oranges are easy to peel?
  14. Orange you glad oranges make great additions to salads?
  15. Orange you glad oranges are a popular flavor for ice cream and sorbet?
  16. Orange you glad oranges can be squeezed to make fresh, tangy juice?
  17. Orange you glad oranges are like little bursts of sunshine in your day?
  18. Orange you glad oranges are a symbol of brightness and positivity?
  19. Orange you glad oranges are always there to brighten up a fruit bowl?
  20. Orange you glad oranges can be used to make delicious smoothies?
  21. Orange you glad oranges are perfect for garnishing drinks?
  22. Orange you glad oranges can be segmented and added to fruit salads?
  23. Orange you glad oranges are often associated with good luck and fortune?
  24. Orange you glad oranges are a staple in many classic cocktails?
  25. Orange you glad oranges are refreshing when eaten cold on a hot day?
  26. Orange you glad oranges are the main ingredient in orange chicken?
  27. Orange you glad oranges are often associated with Halloween and jack-o’-lanterns?
  28. Orange you glad oranges are commonly used in desserts like cakes and tarts?
  29. Orange you glad oranges are a great source of hydration?
  30. Orange you glad oranges can be used to make tangy marinades for meat and seafood?
  31. Orange you glad oranges are a natural way to brighten up your skin?
  32. Orange you glad oranges can be zested and added to baked goods for extra flavor?
  33. Orange you glad oranges can be dried and used in trail mixes?
  34. Orange you glad oranges are a delicious addition to fruit smoothie bowls?
  35. Orange you glad oranges are often associated with tropical vacations?
  36. Orange you glad oranges can be candied and used as a sweet treat?
  37. Orange you glad oranges are a popular flavor for popsicles and frozen treats?
  38. Orange you glad oranges are often used to make tangy salad dressings?
  39. Orange you glad oranges can be used to make refreshing mocktails?
  40. Orange you glad oranges are a common ingredient in fruit-infused water?
  41. Orange you glad oranges are a great source of dietary fiber?
  42. Orange you glad oranges are often used in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine?
  43. Orange you glad oranges can be sliced and added to sandwiches for a burst of flavor?
  44. Orange you glad oranges are available year-round in many parts of the world?
  45. Orange you glad oranges can be used to make homemade orange popsicles?
  46. Orange you glad oranges are a popular flavor for candies and gummies?
  47. Orange you glad oranges are a fun fruit to juggle?
  48. Orange you glad oranges can be sliced and added to yogurt for a tasty snack?
  49. Orange you glad oranges are a popular ingredient in tangy barbecue sauces?
Two Halves Of The Same Orange

Two Halves Of The Same Orange

  1. Two halves of the same orange, inseparable and complementary.
  2. Like two halves of the same orange, they fit perfectly together.
  3. They are like the two halves of an orange, sharing a deep connection.
  4. Just like two halves of the same orange, they complete each other.
  5. They understand each other so well, like two halves of an orange.
  6. They are like two halves of a sliced orange, coming together as one.
  7. They are intertwined like the two halves of an orange peel.
  8. Like two halves of an orange, they share a common core.
  9. They are like the two halves of a segmented orange, united and cohesive.
  10. Their bond is as strong as the two halves of a whole orange.
  11. They are like the two halves of an orange, bringing out the best in each other.
  12. Together, they are like the two halves of a juicy orange, bursting with sweetness.
  13. They are like the two halves of a peeled orange, revealing their true selves.
  14. Just like the two halves of an orange, they complement and balance each other.
  15. They are like the two halves of a sliced orange, sharing their inner layers.
  16. Like the two halves of a segmented orange, they are part of the same whole.
  17. They are like the two halves of an orange, creating a perfect harmony.
  18. They fit together like the two halves of an orange, completing the puzzle.
  19. Like the two halves of a peeled orange, they reveal their vulnerabilities to each other.
  20. They are like the two halves of an orange, supporting and uplifting one another.
  21. Just like the two halves of an orange, they share a common essence.
  22. They are like the two halves of a sliced orange, exposing their inner beauty.
  23. Like the two halves of a segmented orange, their destinies are intertwined.
  24. They are like the two halves of an orange, sharing the same origin.
  25. Together, they are like the two halves of a juicy orange, refreshing and delightful.
  26. They are like the two halves of a peeled orange, revealing their true colors.
  27. Just like the two halves of an orange, they bring out the best in each other.
  28. They fit together like the two halves of an orange, creating a seamless connection.
  29. Like the two halves of a segmented orange, they are part of a larger picture.
  30. They are like the two halves of an orange, embracing each other’s differences.
  31. They are inseparable, like the two halves of a whole orange.
  32. Like the two halves of a sliced orange, they share a common bond.
  33. They are like the two halves of an orange, entwined in a special relationship.
  34. Together, they are like the two halves of a juicy orange, blending their flavors.
  35. They are like the two halves of a peeled orange, exposing their authentic selves.
  36. Just like the two halves of an orange, they complete each other’s sentences.
  37. They fit perfectly together, like the two halves of an orange.
  38. Like the two halves of a segmented orange, they are meant to be together.
  39. They are like the two halves of an orange, united in their purpose.
  40. They are like the two halves of a sliced orange, sharing their inner juiciness.
  41. Like the two halves of a segmented orange, they are interconnected.
  42. They are like the two halves of an orange, creating a beautiful symphony.
  43. Together, they are like the two halves of a juicy orange, nourishing and satisfying.
  44. They are like the two halves of a peeled orange, revealing their true potentials.
  45. Just like the two halves of an orange, they bring out the sweetness in each other.
  46. They fit together like the two halves of an orange, forming a perfect match.
  47. Like the two halves of a segmented orange, they complete each other’s stories.
  48. They are like the two halves of an orange, intertwined in a deep connection.
  49. They are inseparable, like the two halves of a whole orange.
  50. Like the two halves of a sliced orange, they share a common foundation.
  51. They are like the two halves of an orange, merging their strengths.
  52. They are like the two halves of a segmented orange, sharing a common destiny.
  53. Together, they are like the two halves of a juicy orange, bringing joy and freshness.
  54. They are like the two halves of a peeled orange, revealing their true selves to each other.

Knock Knock Orange Jokes

  1. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad I came knocking?
  2. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Juicy. Juicy who? Juicy wanna hear another orange joke?
  3. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Orange you. Orange you who? Orange you glad I didn’t say banana?
  4. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Citrus. Citrus who? Citrus is a great fruit to enjoy!
  5. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Peel. Peel who? Peel happy to be here!
  6. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Tangy. Tangy who? Tangy orange you glad I’m here?
  7. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Fruit. Fruit who? Fruit-tastic orange jokes, that’s who!
  8. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Zest. Zest who? Zest the beginning of a citrusy good time!
  9. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pulp. Pulp who? Pulp you in for some orange puns?
  10. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Tangerine. Tangerine who? Tangerine your ears, I have more orange jokes!
  11. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Clementine. Clementine who? Clementine more orange jokes for you!
  12. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Squeeze. Squeeze who? Squeeze enjoy these silly orange jokes?
  13. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Rind. Rind who? Rind the joy in these orange jokes!
  14. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Vitamin C. Vitamin C who? Vitamin C yourself laughing at these orange jokes!
  15. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pith. Pith who? Pith the laughter in these punny orange jokes!
  16. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Zesty. Zesty who? Zesty a bunch of hilarious orange jokes!
  17. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Segment. Segment who? Segment this moment for some orange humor!
  18. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Tropic. Tropic who? Tropic like it’s hot with these orange jokes!
  19. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Zing. Zing who? Zing your teeth into these orange jokes!
  20. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Citrus. Citrus who? Citrus a good time with these orange jokes!
  21. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Squeeze. Squeeze who? Squeeze feel the zest of these orange jokes?
  22. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pulp. Pulp who? Pulp-tastic orange jokes, that’s who!
  23. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Zest. Zest who? Zest believe there are more orange jokes coming!
  24. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Citron. Citron who? Citron a roll with these orange jokes!
  25. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Slice. Slice who? Slice to meet you and share orange jokes!
  26. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Citrus. Citrus who? Citrus-ly, these orange jokes are the zest!
  27. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Rind. Rind who? Rind-troduce yourself to these funny orange jokes!
  28. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Zest. Zest who? Zest a little bit longer for more orange humor!
  29. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Peel. Peel who? Peel the laughter in these orange jokes!
  30. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Navel. Navel who? Navel-y seen orange jokes this funny before!
  31. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Zest. Zest who? Zest keep enjoying these citrusy jokes!
  32. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Clementine. Clementine who? Clementine more orange jokes to go!
  33. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Tropic. Tropic who? Tropic a punchline for these orange jokes!
  34. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Citrus. Citrus who? Citrus-ly, these orange jokes are the best!
  35. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pulp. Pulp who? Pulp fiction has nothing on these orange jokes!
  36. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Zing. Zing who? Zing your heart out with these orange jokes!
  37. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Peel. Peel who? Peel-tastic jokes for orange lovers!
  38. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Rind. Rind who? Rind-diculously funny orange jokes!
  39. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pulp. Pulp who? Pulp-tastic orange jokes, fresh and funny!
  40. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Squeeze. Squeeze who? Squeeze-tainly, more orange jokes await!
  41. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Citrus. Citrus who? Citrus a bunch of funny orange jokes!
  42. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Segment. Segment who? Segment yourself for laughter with these orange jokes!
  43. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Zest. Zest who? Zest let’s keep the jokes rolling!
  44. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Citron. Citron who? Citron-ly can’t get enough of these orange jokes!
  45. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Squeeze. Squeeze who? Squeeze the laughter out of these orange jokes!
  46. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Tropic. Tropic who? Tropic like it’s hot with these orange jokes!
  47. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Pith. Pith who? Pith the punchline in these orange jokes!
  48. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Rind. Rind who? Rind-ing in the laughter with these orange jokes!
  49. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Zest. Zest who? Zest the beginning of a great joke!
  50. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Peel. Peel who? Peel-tastic, another orange joke for you!
Dad Joke About Orange Juice

Dad Joke About Orange Juice

  1. Why did the orange juice go to school? It wanted to concentrate!
  2. What did the orange juice say to the grape juice? “Squeeze me a little closer, grape!”
  3. How does orange juice apologize? It says, “I’m pulp-y sorry!”
  4. What did the orange juice say to the blender? “I can’t contain my zest for you!”
  5. Why did the orange juice break up with the apple juice? They couldn’t find common pulp!
  6. How does orange juice feel after a workout? Squeezed, but refreshed!
  7. What did the glass of orange juice say to the toast? You’re my butter half!
  8. Why did the orange juice go to therapy? It had trouble bottling up its feelings!
  9. How does orange juice start a conversation? It says, “Let’s juice chat!”
  10. Why did the orange juice go to the party alone? It didn’t need a squeeze!
  11. What’s orange juice’s favorite exercise? Citrus-cise!
  12. Why did the orange juice bring a ladder to the party? It wanted to reach new levels of fun!
  13. What do you call orange juice that’s always late? Tardy-tangerine!
  14. Why did the orange juice refuse to play cards? It couldn’t handle the pulp fiction!
  15. How does orange juice tell a secret? It whispers, “Just between us, peelings!”
  16. What’s orange juice’s favorite part of a joke? The punchline!
  17. Why did the orange juice become a comedian? It had a zest for making people laugh!
  18. How does orange juice make decisions? It uses its pulp intuition!
  19. What did the orange juice say when it won the award? “I’m feeling quite squeeze-tastic!”
  20. Why did the orange juice get promoted? It had a lot of vitamin C-redentials!
  21. How does orange juice show affection? It gives big citrus-y hugs!
  22. Why did the orange juice go to the gym? It wanted to squeeze in a good workout!
  23. What do you call orange juice that’s in a hurry? Fast pulp!
  24. Why did the orange juice go to the art museum? It wanted to see some pulp fiction!
  25. How does orange juice like to travel? In pulpy-cabs!
  26. What’s orange juice’s favorite song? “Squeeze Me Baby One More Time!”
  27. Why did the orange juice go to the comedy club? It wanted to see some citrus stand-up!
  28. How does orange juice take notes? With pulp fiction!
  29. What did the orange juice say to the refrigerator? “I’m feeling a bit chilled out!”
  30. Why did the orange juice become a lawyer? It loved the juice-tice system!
  31. How does orange juice celebrate a win? It raises a glass and says, “Juice got this!”
  32. What do you call orange juice that’s full of itself? Pulp-erior!
  33. Why did the orange juice win the award? It was simply juice-tastic!
  34. How does orange juice like to dance? In a pulp and groove style!
  35. What’s orange juice’s favorite kind of music? R&B (Rind and Beat)!
  36. Why did the orange juice get a ticket? It was caught in a pulp chase!
  37. How does orange juice tell a joke? It says, “Are you ready for some pulp fiction?”
  38. What do you call orange juice that can’t stay still? Pulp fiction!
  39. Why did the orange juice go to the library? It wanted to borrow some pulp fiction novels!
  40. How does orange juice keep calm? It practices Zen-pulping!
  41. What did the orange juice say to the grapefruit juice at the party? “Let’s pulp up the volume!”
  42. Why did the orange juice go to the beach? It wanted to get a tan and some Vitamin Sea!
  43. How does orange juice respond to a compliment? It says, “Aw, juice too kind!”
  44. What do you call a clumsy glass of orange juice? A spill of citrus!
  45. Why did the orange juice go to the race? It wanted to support its pulp idol!
  46. How does orange juice handle stress? It takes a deep citrus breath and squeezes it out!
  47. What did the orange juice say to the apple juice after a workout? “We make quite a refreshing team!”
  48. Why did the orange juice run for president? It wanted to bring a pulp of change!
  49. How does orange juice navigate through life? It trusts its citrus-tuition!
  50. What’s orange juice’s favorite movie genre? Pulp fiction, of course!


In the grand tradition of fruit humor, our collection of orange jokes has shown that laughter can indeed be the zest thing in life.

Whether it’s a pun about peels, a funny joke about juice, or a witty one-liner about the color, these jokes remind us to not take life too seriously and to always find the fun.

Next time you’re in need of a good laugh or a conversation starter, remember to bring an orange joke or two into the mix. Keep peeling back the layers of humor and remember, laughter is an essential part of a balanced, joyful life.

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